1. International Conference on Advanced of Development Administration 2013
(The 2nd ICADA 2013). 30 May -1 July, 2013. Please visit website: http://www.ICADA2013.nida.ac.th
2. ม.ราชภัฎสวนดุสิต เป็นเจ้าภาพร่วมจัดงานประชุมนานาชาติ The international Conference on Tourism, Transport and Logistics 2013: Challenges and Opportunities of Increasing Global Connectivity. 14-16 February, 2013 at The Hotel du Lourve, Paris, France.
3. Assuring sustainability via University with REsearch: towards a sustainable earth system environment in ASEAN and beyond (ASSURE 2013). 16-18 May, 2013. จ.สงขลา